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As part of our mission, SBAK has developed a Financial Assistance Fund to help individuals with Spina Bifida lead better lives by assisting in various areas, such as education, equipment, and physical needs.

Through this program, we have been able to purchase equipment to make homes more accessible, as well as handcycles, adapted bikes, and basketball wheelchairs to promote physical activity.  This fund has also paid medical and therapy bills that would have otherwise been out of reach for families. 

Financial Assistance has even provided scholarships for families to attend our Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky Regional Conference and the Spina Bifida Association's national advocacy event, Teal on the Hill.

Please email completed applications to or mail to: 

     Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky
     982 Eastern Pkwy., Ste. 18
     Louisville, KY  40217 

If you need help completing the application, please contact:

     Sarah Richardson
     (502) 637-7363


Our mission is to help as many people as possible. If you would like to help us grow this fund by making a designated donation, please 
contact us at or (502) 637-7363 



Click the link below to access a list of grants for which individuals can apply:

Kaufman Children's Center